Fueling Station Integration

Project Description

Sacré-Davey Experts-Conseils played a pivotal role in executing site integration engineering for the inaugural public hydrogen vehicle fuelling station in the Province of Québec. Harnois made strategic acquisitions of hydrogen equipment from Hydrogenics, encompassing an electrolyzer, compressors, storage, and dispensers. Complementing this, HTEC supplied a containerized fuelling station equipped with compressors, storage, and dispensers, proficient in drawing hydrogen from tube trailers. The seamless integration of these two systems guaranteed uninterrupted service for hydrogen vehicles, contributing to the station's operational efficiency.

Project Scope

The project involves the creation of integration drawings, equipment layout and installation drawings, and mechanical and electrical connections drawings with specifications. Additionally, Hazard and Operability Studies (HAZOP) and safety systems specifications will be developed, accompanied by detailed drawings. This comprehensive scope aims to streamline and optimize the integration, layout, and safety aspects of the project. 


Mobile Refueler


Shiploader Upgrade