In the News
Sacré-Davey Supports Sabina Gold & Silver Corp’s Updated Feasibility Study
Sacré-Davey Engineering was involved with conducting an updated feasibility study for Sabina Gold & Silver Corp.’s Goose Project.
Sacré-Davey Chosen as Hydro-Québec’s Hydrogen Expert as First green Hydrogen Project Becomes Reality
Sacré-Davey Engineering was chosen as Hydro-Québec’s hydrogen expert for the world’s first and largest green hydrogen production facility. The water electrolysis plant will be built in Varennes, Quebec, and is to produce 11,100 metric tons of green hydrogen annually. Both the hydrogen and the oxygen, a by-product of the electrolysis process, will be used in a biofuel plant to produce biofuels from residual waste for the transportation sector. For the full story, click below.
Sacré-Davey Engineering Inc. Supporting Sabina Gold and Silver Corp.’s Back River Project in Nunavut
Sabina Gold and Silver Corp.’s has announced Sacré-Davey Engineering’s role as Detailed Engineer for the Goose Mine processing plant at the Back River Project in Nunavut.